• Drawing Architecture

    Drawing Architecture

    A great part of the success of our projects is in our clear visual communication. Every project has a 3D computer model created and this is used throughout the design process. In addition we always draw our ideas at all stages of the project, which remains an excellent way in which to communicate. A drawing can capture a sense of space that the computer model often doesn’t.

    Drawing Basement Extensions

    Projects such as our London basement extensions have a number of hand drawn images. These typically relate to the detailed design, as larger issues such as the impact of daylight and sunlight are more efficiently dealt with using three dimensional models. A sketch of a stair edge and balustrade detail will then lead to a detailed CAD drawing and may well be also communicated as a 3D computer image when issued to the contractor.

    Sussex Refurbishment

    Our current project in Hastings to refurbish and extend a large old house to form a light and contemporary home has had many sketches produced as our client finds this an easy way to understand the design proposals. In this instance we have also built a large card model that can be de mounted floor by floor to further aid discussion. A key feature of the project is a light well which provides light to the lower ground floor from the new ground floor roof. Sketches were able to communicate both the concept and the detail of this element.

    The use of sketches is also particularly helpful during meetings as it is a quick and direct way of communicating. We often take these drawings and overlay them with computer graphics to enhance the image.

    The process of drawing architectural details and the consideration given to the various elements is extremely valuable in creating well considered details and achieving a better building. We strongly believe that the process of drawing is at the heart of good architecture and the foundation for successful projects. For example, when a client asks, ‘how do I design a basement’, or ‘what is the best basement plan’, we always discuss the value of clear communication.