• Bespoke Furniture Design in Hove

    Bespoke Furniture Design in Hove


    Shape Architecture offers our clients numerous additional services ranging from interior design to garden design.  A popular service is our design of bespoke furniture and many of our projects benefit from our experience in this area.  Typically, we will design walk-in-wardrobes, kitchens and storage units of all types.  The development of the design of these items alongside the architectural design of the surrounding space ensures a harmonious integration.  The process sees us taking the client’s brief and preparing a series of design proposals in both 2D and 3D modelling.  We then work up in detail our large-scale drawings of each item of furniture to be priced.  The successful contractor will then appoint his specialist furniture maker who takes the design further and prepares shop drawings for comment and brings samples to site for all to discuss.  Once signed off the items of furniture are manufactured and installed.


    We often work with specialist furniture makers with whom we have a relationship with. This recently completed project in Hove saw us working with Special Branch Furniture whose work Is of a very high standard.  The brief was to design a range of furniture for the whole house from striking long linear display cabinets to the kitchen.  As we indicate above the furniture and house were seen as a whole right from the making of the first computer model and the result is an elegant and impressive range of furniture that enhance the interior and provide valuable storage and display space.


    If you have  a project where the design of bespoke furniture is an important part please feel free to contact us at Shape Architecture we would be happy to help