• Windsor Basement Extension

    Windsor Basement Extension

    Shape Architecture has just been appointed to design a new basement extension in Windsor. The project is similar to our basement in Barnes in that it is set below the garden rather than below the existing property. As at Barnes the challenge will be to bring daylight into the basement and create a spacious interior. Of great interest in this project is the design of a glazed structure as interface between the existing house and the basement beyond. The client would like this space to be filled with plants and have the feel of an orangery. In designing a basement such a space offers great potential.

    Basement Design

    Given the potential to create an impressive space our use of 3D models will be very valuable in creating the design and communicating to the client. In basement design the use of natural light is very important and the ability to locate the computer model in its exact geographical position and then look at natural daylight penetration at any day of the year is of great use. When a client asks ‘How do I design a basement’ we are able to illustrate the importance of design issues such as daylight allied to the importance of exploring these issues in three dimensions.