• Basement Architects in London

    Basement Design in London

    As Basement Architects in London this is an area of specialisation that results in a continuous flow of work and has enabled Shape Architecture to build up an extensive portfolio of basement conversions in London. We are able to offer our clients clear and informed advice derived from building all types of basement conversions in a variety of settings across a range of boroughs. We understand the technical complexity of building below the water table, of building single to double basements. We also understand the complexities of the planning system in areas such as Conservation Areas, cul-de-sacs and mews properties, having obtained Planning Approvals in all these instances.

    Architects in Kensington

    We presently have a number of basement conversions in Kensington at a variety of different stages. These range from recent planning approvals for a Mews basement at Adam and Eve Mews to projects just starting such as at Pembridge Mews, those nearing the completion of their technical design such as at Douro Place to those presently on site such as our basement conversion in Redesdale Street in Chelsea. As architects in Kensington a large portion of our residential enquiries remain for basement projects, closely followed by various types of extensions and interiors projects.

    Basement Conversions in London

    Last year we completed on site a number of basement conversions in London. Of these many were in Fulham where, through client recommendation, we continue to design and build. This year we have found that our work on basement projects has mainly be centred on Kensington and Chelsea. Working as architects in Kensington on basement projects brings with it a number of challenges both in respect of planning regulations, access to and from site and construction methodology. Shape Architecture is well versed in all these issues, having successfully dealt with them on past projects.