July 2018

'Architecture in Schools' was written by our work experience student, Jesse.  As a student at secondary school on work experience here at Shape Architecture, I understand the importance of having a warm, friendly atmosphere for learning, and one of the best ways to create a good atmosphere is to have a light, open classroom. At[...]

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This blog was written by our work experience student Jesse.  In a time where ‘social’ networks are being used by more and more people, we sometimes get disconnected from physical society; meeting people, chatting, debating. It is especially hard to socialise for those alienated and different from most in society. The old or disabled, for[...]

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'Why I would like to be an Architect' has been written by our work experience student Jesse.  I would like to be an architect because architects find a way to combine creativity and engineering into something practical that we all look at. The technicality of the drawing and engineering and the creativity of problem-solving and[...]

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