January 2020

As we start 2020, we have a number of projects on site at a variety of stages.  A quick run through these projects serves to underscore that our work is, as we often say, diverse both in scale and building type and this always makes for an interesting workload and portfolio. The projects range from[…]

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Self Build Series - w Blog two on Self build Project.

This blog is part two for a series documenting a self-build project undertaken by Robin from Shape Architecture. Following on from Part 1 of the self-build series, in which much of the existing extension was removed, Part 2 centres on excavation to remove spoil from the site. Large mounds of material from the existing extension[…]

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Rubble roof on sustainable community project

 Shape Architecture has always taken its wider Environmental and Community responsibilities seriously. As Architects we are able to make a significant difference to the Environmental issues given our role in society.  At Shape Architecture we have over 25 years’ experience in designing sustainable buildings. Our Community responsibility is also significant, given the range of Community[…]

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